Salvia farinacea

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Lisztes Zsálya (Salvia farinacea) gondozása, szaporítása - Botanikaland. (Salvia farinacea) Kifejezetten mutatós lágyszárú évelő növény, melyet hazánkban többnyire egynyáriként termesztenek. Kb. 40-50 cm magas, enyhén bokrosodó tövű, kompakt habitusú zsálya faj. Élénk-zöld lándzsa alakú levelei és sötét indigó vagy fehér ajakos virágai szép kontrasztot alkotnak, s nem csak a szemet, de .

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. Salvia farinacea - Wikipedia. Salvia farinacea, the mealycup sage, or mealy sage, is a herbaceous perennial native to Nuevo León, Mexico and parts of the United States including Texas and Oklahoma. Violet-blue spikes rest on a compact plant of typically narrow salvia-like leaves; however, the shiny leaves are what set this species apart from most other Salvia , which bear .. Lisztes zsálya (Salvia farinacea) gondozása - A lisztes zsálya (Salvia farinacea) bemutatása, gondozása. A lisztes zsálya (Salvia farinacea) közepesen magas évelő növény, Magyarországon egynyári növényként termesztik. Növekedése kissé bokrosodó, mélykék ajakos virágai tömött fürtbe rendeződnek.. Zsálya gondozása - Részletes útmutató - A lisztes zsálya (Salvia farinacea) közepesen magas termetű növény. Hazánkban egynyáriként nevelik. Kissé bokrosodó, ajakos, mélykék virágai tömött fürtöket alkotnak. Júniustól az első fagyokig virágzik. Ültethető virágágyásba és balkonládába is. Igénytelen, egyszerűen gondozható növény.. Salvia farinacea (Mealy Cup Sage): A sky blue beauty - Gardenia. Learn about Salvia farinacea, a flowering perennial plant with long-lasting blue, purple, or white flowers and attractive spikes. Find out its growth habit, hardiness, uses, and design tips for your garden.. Lisztes zsálya - Salvia Farinacea - Kiss Kertészet. Lisztes zsálya - Salvia Farinacea. Latin név: Salvia farinacea. Magyar név: Lisztes zsázsa. Magassága: 40-50 cm. Tipp: közepes vízigényű, napos helyre ültetendő, 20 x 25 cm sor-tő távolságra. Cikkszám: LISZTES-ZSALYA Kategóriák: Egynyári virágok, Virágok.. Salvia Farinacea - Dobay Kertészet. Salvia Farinacea. A "lisztes zsálya" 50-60 cm magasra növő, folyamatosan nyíló fajtáit kertekbe vagy nagyobb balkonládákba, dézsákba ültessük. Gondozást nem igénylő, dekoratív dísznövények. Annual varieties, growing to a height of 40-70 cm, giving to mixed flower-beds or containers visual dynamics.. Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue (Mealy Cup Sage) - Gardenia. Learn about the perennial plant Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue, a compact variety of Mealy Cup Sage with rich violet-blue flower spikes. Find out how to grow, care for, and enjoy this ornamental plant in your garden, with tips on soil, water, light, and pest control.. Salvia farinacea - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Learn about Salvia farinacea, a tender herbaceous perennial with violet-blue flowers and aromatic leaves. Find out its common name, scientific name, description, cultivation, propagation, pruning, and uses in the landscape. See photos, videos, and cultivars of this plant.. Mealycup Sage: Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce. Learn about the care, varieties, pruning, and propagating of mealycup sage, a perennial plant with deep blue flowers and powdery meal-covered spikes. Find out how to grow mealycup sage in different climates, soil types, and light conditions, and what varieties are available.. Édes zsálya, Salvia farinacea: ültesse, művelje, szaporítsa Mindent A .. A salvia farinacea a mártások nagy családjának része, amely közel 900 növényfajt foglal magában, nagyon diverzifikált. A salvia farinacea őshonos texasban és mexikóban, tehát egy növény, amely értékeli a meleget. Évelő, szülőföldjén termesztik, mint. Ebben A Cikkben:. Zsálya (Salvia) gondozása - A lisztes zsálya (Salvia farinacea) közepesen magas évelő növény, Magyarországon egynyári növényként termesztik. Növekedése kissé bokrosodó, mélykék ajakos virágai tömött fürtbe rendeződnek.. Zsálya (salvia) gondozása, ültetése, teleltetése, metszése, szaporítása .. A paprikavirág (Salvia splendens) egynyári dísznövény, amely Brazíliában őshonos. Bokrosodó növekedés, valamint nem túl nagy termet, kb. 30 cm-es magasság jellemzi. Levelei különlegesen szép szív alakúak és élénkzöld színűek.. Salvia farinacea Victoria|mealy sage Victoria/RHS Gardening. No. Foliage. Deciduous. Habit. Bushy. Genus. Salvia can be annuals, biennials, herbaceous or evergreen perennials, or shrubs. They have paired, simple or pinnately lobed, often aromatic leaves and 2-lipped flowers in whorls, forming simple or branched spikes or racemes. Name status.. Zsálya a kertben: Hogyan ültessünk, neveljünk és használjunk zsályát a .. Salvia farinacea (lisztes zsálya): A lisztes zsálya szálas, gyertya alakú virágzatot fejleszt, amely kék, lila vagy fehér színben pompázik. A növény alacsony termetű, és hosszan tartó virágzással örvendezteti meg a kertet. Ez a táblázat áttekintést nyújt a különböző Salvia fajtákról, megjelenésükről és .. Farinacea Sage Care - Learn How To Grow Mealycup Sage Plants .. last updated August 26, 2021 Mealycup sage ( Salvia farinacea) has stunning purple-blue flowers that attract pollinators and brighten the landscape. The name may not sound terribly pretty, but the plant also goes by the name blue salvia. These salvia plants are warm region perennials but can be used in other zones as attractive annuals.. Salvia Farinacea Care: Growing The Mealycup Sage. Growing Salvia Farinacea: Caring For The Mealycup Sage. Salvia Farinacea belongs to the Lamiaceae family of flowering plants, belonging to the sage plant genus. This family of plants is also commonly known as the mint, deadnettle, or sage family. The salvia Farinacea grows in warm regions.. Gondozzunk hamvas zsályát! - Virágágyások - Díszkert. Név: Salvia Farinacea Növénytípus: évelő lágyszárú Család: Lamiaceae Magasság: 30 - 60 cm Virágzási idő: május - első fagy Virág színe: sötétkék Fényigénye: közepes Vízigénye: közepes Gondozás: könnyű Ez a virágfajta jól viseli a fagypont körüli hőmérsékleteket.. Salvia farinacea o salvia azul, cultivo y cuidados - Guía de Jardín. Es una planta herbácea de la familia de las lamiáceas, con hojas alargadas y brillantes que produce espigas de flores desde mediados de primavera hasta final de verano. Puede cultivarse a pleno sol o en zonas ligeramente sombreadas.. Salvia farinacea | Caratteristiche e coltivazione della salvia blu. La Salvia farinacea, anche detta salvia blu, è una pianta erbacea appartenente alla famiglia delle Lamiaceae. È originaria del sud e del centro America e oggi è diffusa anche in Europa dove è coltivata sia come pianta perenne che come annuale. Ha un aspetto cespuglioso con foglie lisce, allungate e verdi, talvolta tendenti al blu.. Salvia farinacea | mealy sage Herbaceous Perennial/RHS Gardening. Botanical details. Salvia can be annuals, biennials, herbaceous or evergreen perennials, or shrubs. They have paired, simple or pinnately lobed, often aromatic leaves and 2-lipped flowers in whorls, forming simple or branched spikes or racemes.. Salvia farinacea (Mealycup Sage): Key Growing Information | Johnnys .. Salvia farinacea (Mealycup Sage) - Key Growing Information. DAYS TO GERMINATION: 5-12 days at 75-78°F (24-26°C) SOWING: Transplant - Sow 6-8 weeks before planting out. Gently press seed 1/4" deep into soil but do not cover, as light is required for germination. Bottom-water or mist to avoid covering seed. Transplant into cell packs or larger .. How To Grow And Care For Salvia | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Annual salvias such as Salvia farinacea, S. horminum and S. splendens are grown as vibrant summer bedding before being discarded at the end of the season. Herbaceous perennial salvias such as Salvia nemorosa and Salvia x sylvestris are hardy and come back year after year.. Salvia farinacea Evolution (Mealy Cup Sage) - Gardenia. Highly remarkable, Salvia farinacea Evolution is the first Salvia farinacea with violet flower spikes. Blooming continuously from late spring to frost, it is also very adaptable. Perfect in a sunny spot in an annual or perennial garden, it can be grown in patio containers or ceramic pots. The deep violet flower spikes can also be cut, dried and used as everlasting flowers for bouquets .. Salvia farinacea Fairy Queen (Mealy Cup Sage) - Gardenia. Salvia farinacea Fairy Queen (Mealy Cup Sage) is a compact, multi-branched Salvia variety with dense flowering spikes, packed with sapphire blue flowers adorned with a small white spot. Blooming profusely from late spring to frost, the upright flowering stems rise above the bushy foliage of narrow, deep green leaves. An excellent garden performer that adds beauty and long-lasting color to .. 粉萼鼠尾草 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 粉萼鼠尾草(学名: Salvia farinacea )为唇形科 鼠尾草屬下的一个种,不可食用,容易誤認為薰衣草,原生於美國德州與墨西哥,高度可達1米(3英尺3英寸)以上,沒有入侵性(入侵物种),在臺灣四季開花,品種有紫色、藍色和白色等。. Salvia: Extent of use, effects, and risks - Medical News Today. Salvia is a recreational drug, a fast-acting hallucinogenic plant that can distort sensations of time and space. Intense effects occur 2 minutes after smoking it. The user may experience a false .. Salvia farinacea Blue Bedder (Mealy Cup Sage) - Gardenia. Salvia farinacea Blue Bedder (Mealy Cup Sage) is a richly colored, multi-branched Salvia variety with profuse flowering spikes, packed with deep violet-blue flowers on steel blue, squared stems. Blooming profusely from late spring to frost, the upright flowering stems rise above the bushy foliage of lance-shaped, gray-green leaves. An excellent garden performer that adds beauty and long .. Sauge farineuse (Salvia farinacea) : culture, entretien, semis. Genre: Salvia - Espèce: farinacea - Famille: Lamiacées - Origine: Amérique centrale - La Sauge farineuse est une plante annuelle au port buissonnant et érigé. Dune croissance rapide, elle mesure 50 à 60 centimètres de haut. Le saviez-vous? - La Sauge farineuse est idéale en massif et potée. Le genre.. Salvias for Sale | Salvia Plants for Sale | Perennial Salvia. Salvia greggii and Salvia microphylla are two of the most popular woody perennial salvia species for sale, each available in a range of colors. Salvia nemorosa is the most popular of the perennial salvia species, in part because of its wide range of hardiness. Many other perennial salvias are only winter-hardy in the mid- or deep- South.. Salvia, Sage - Better Homes & Gardens. Salvia farinacea offers stately pale blue blooms on a 3-foot-tall plant of gray-green foliage

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. Its a perennial in Zones 7-10, but is usually grown as an annual. Coral Nymph sage . Lynn Karlin. Salvia coccinea Coral Nymph offers bicolor, salmon-and-white tubular flowers on 2-foot stems. Perennial in Zones 8 and warmer; grown as an annual in .. Salvia Blue Victory - Select Seeds. Salvia Blue Victory. Salvia farinacea. Native to Texas and introduced into gardens in 1847, mealy cup sage is a highlight of annual flower gardens, well-loved for its clean foliage and long spikes of purple all summer and fall. Establish a rhythm of vibrant color and vertical forms throughout your garden by planting in large drifts.. The Health-Benefits and Phytochemical Profile of Salvia apiana and .. Salvia apiana and Salvia farinacea var. Victoria Blue decoctions were screened for diverse bioactivities, including the ability to counteract oxidative and inflammatory events, as well as to act as cytotoxic and antimicrobial agents. Both extracts showed good activities and that of S. apiana origin was particularly effective regarding the ability to prevent lipid peroxidation and to prevent .. Salvia Indigo Spires - Garden Style San Antonio. To keep it tidy, trim back by a third in warm weather; deadheading the flower stalks encourages fresh blooms. This sage is believed to have originated as a garden hybrid between mealy blue sage (Salvia farinacea) and Salvia longispicata. Maintenance. Dead-head to keep it in perpetual bloom during summer

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. Foliage can be freely cut back by a third.. Salvia | Home & Garden Information Center. Mealycup Sage (Salvia farinacea): This popular bedding salvia has been around for many years. Small violet, blue, or white flowers in 10-inch long spikes top 2- to 3-foot tall plants. Mealycup sage is cold hardy in USDA hardiness zones 8 to 10. It performs best in soil that is not overly fertile or moist.. Salvia farinacea Henry Duelberg - Plant Delights Nursery. In the wild, Salvia farinacea is a prairie native that can be found growing on alkaline soils at elevations as high as 6000. In the garden, Mealy Cup sage is a low maintenance perennial, thats also widely grown as a summer annual where it isnt reliably winter hardy.. Will My Salvia Survive the Winter? | Proven Winners. 1 - If your salvia is growing in a container, plant it in the ground by early fall. Plants typically overwinter far more reliably in the ground than in containers, especially if you live in a cold climate. Find a sheltered location outdoors where the plant will be protected from the winter wind and where the soil is well-drained. Winter wetness .. Big Blue Sage - Salvia longispicata x farinacea. Similar to its relative, Indigo Spires - discovered in the 1970s as a naturally occurring hybrid at Southern Californias Huntington Gardens - Salvia x Big Blue is a cross between Long-spike Mexican Sage (Salvia longaspicata) and the American native plant Mealycup Sage (Salvia farinacea). Big Blue displays outstanding hybrid vigor.. Mystic Spires Blue Salvia | Home & Garden Information Center. Four popular cultivars of blue-flowered salvias are crosses between mealycup sage, Salvia farinacea, and a large Mexican salvia, Salvia longispicata.The oldest family member is Indigo Spires, the result of an "unplanned birth" (natural cross-pollination) in Indiana in 1979.

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. How to Care for Blue Salvia - A Growing Guide - TopBackyards. Botanically named as "Salvia farinacea", these plants can only be grown as perennials in USDA zones 8-10 while in all the other zones theyre grown as annuals. Blue salvia is indigenous to the meadows of Mexican regions and some parts of the United States, but nowadays theyre naturalized in many other countries around the world.. Salvia | UMN Extension. Salvia is in the mint family and like other mints, their leaves are very aromatic. They are perennials in their native habitat but are grown as annuals in our climate. There are four main species of ornamental annual salvias: Salvia coccinea, farinacea, splendens and patens. In general, they can all be treated the same and require the same care.. The Health-Benefits and Phytochemical Profile of Salvia apiana and .. Salvia apiana and Salvia farinacea var. Victoria Blue decoctions were screened for diverse bioactivities, including the ability to counteract oxidative and inflammatory events, as well as to act as cytotoxic and antimicrobial agents. Both extracts showed good activities and that of S. apiana origin was particularly effective regarding the ability to prevent lipid peroxidation and to prevent .. 10 Popular Species of Salvia Plants - The Spruce. All American Selections Mealycup sage (Salvia farinacea) comes in a variety of blue, purple, and lavender cultivars, including the popular Victoria Blue and Evolution.The former has genuinely blue flowers, which is somewhat unusual and thus highly desirable.Mealycup sage has an even longer bloom period than scarlet sage, producing flowers from May until frost.. Salvia Farinacea | Mississippi State University Extension Service. Rebel Child salvia is a rambunctious salvia. It has the classic dark blue to blue-purple flowers produced in prodigious numbers on dark stems from mid-spring through the fall season. This plant is tall, with the plants in this grouping reaching over three feet. Salvia farinacea are magnets for pollinators, especially bumblebees, butterflies and .. Salvia farinacea - Salvia azul, Salvia blanca - Descripción. La salvia azul (Salvia farinacea) es una planta herbácea bienal, perteneciente a la Familia Lamiaceae. Tiene tallos erectos y pubescentes, sus hojas son pecioladas y oblongas. Las flores aparecen en espiral alrededor de los tallos, entre julio y agosto. Se trata de inflorescencias con hojas estrechas de color azul y violeta.. Cathedral Deep Blue Salvia (Salvia farinacea Cathedral Deep Blue) in .. Cathedral™ Deep Blue Salvia is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. With its upright habit of growth, it is best suited for use as a thriller in the spiller-thriller-filler container combination; plant it near the center of the pot, surrounded by smaller plants and .. Sallyfun™ Deep Ocean Salvia, Salvia farinacea Deep Ocean - Monrovia. A fantastic container feature for porch or patio that works just as beautifully in annual mixed borders. Wonderful for cutting. Tender perennial; treat as an annual where not hardy. Allow soil to dry between waterings. Moderate growing; reaches 15 to 24 in. tall, 12 to 22 in. wide.

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. Šalvěj pomoučená, Salvia farinacea, pěstování, péče, umístění, letnička .. Salvia farinacea

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. Umístění Šalvěje Šalvěj se pěstuje jako letnička. Je velmi nenáročná, vyznačuje se dlouhou dobou kvetení. Dorůstá do výšky 50 až 80 cm, kvete v období června až října. Šalvěj pomoučená má ráda slunečné stanoviště a bohatou zálivku. Květy jsou stříbřitě bílé, modré, tmavomodré, fialové.. Cathedral™ Salvia, Salvia farinacea Cathedral™ Series . - Monrovia. Description. The Cathedral™ Series Salvias offer a compact plant producing an abundance of large, stout, flower spikes. Attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden with this versatile and showy addition. A great choice for a container, garden bed, edging, or as a cut flower. A frost-tender perennial; treat as an annual where not hardy.. Salvia farinacea Sallyfun™ Blue Emotion | plant lust. Salvia farinacea Sallyfun™ Blue Emotion: A broadleaf deciduous perennial with green foliage and blue flowers in spring. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds

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. To grow well, it prefers sun - mostly sun and regular water. Drought tolerant once established. Grows best in well-drained, acidic and alkaline soil. CHARACTERISTICS Plant type: perennial Plant family: #Lamiaceae Foliage .. Salvia | Portland Nursery. Salvia farinacea Strata has silvery grey stems and calyces with a deep blue corolla in the center. Showy! Salvia splendens. Hot, hot, hot! This diverse species comes in an array of colors; red, purple, pink, salmon, white, and bicolor. In general plants grow to be 12"-18" tall by 12" wide but there is a wide range depending on hybrid.. Mealy Blue Sage Growing & Care Guide - The Garden Magazine. Mealy Blue Sage (Salvia farinacea) is a flowering plant that is native to North and Central America. It is commonly found in the southwestern United States, particularly in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. It can also be found in Mexico, where it is known as "Mejorana Azul.". In the United States, Mealy Blue Sage is often found in grasslands .. Salvia farinacea Seeds - Evolution White | Redemption Seeds - Christellas. Salvia farinacea Evolution White is a weather tolerant flowering annual that thrives in heat, drought, cold and humidity. Enjoy the showy gorgeous white flowering spikes that tower above the foliage line creating an attractive contrast. Stunning when planted in mass, this garden charmer grows to 24" inches and is loved by both landscape .. White Victoria Salvia | John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds. Salvia farinacea. Also known as White Mealy Cup Sage, White Victoria Salvia has silvery stems with graceful spires of bright white tubular flowers. Prized for garden display as well as lush, long-lasting cut and dried flowers, Victoria forms a bushy, 18" mound for garden display or terrace containers. To dry Salvia, cut stems in full bloom and hang upside-down in a dark, dry area for several .. Seed Needs, Sapphire Blue Sage Seeds - Salvia farinacea is commonly known as blue sage, sapphire sage, mealy blue sage, mealy sage and mealycup sage. These herbaceous plants are native to Texas, Mexico and the New Mexico plains. Catageorized as a tender perennial, it is winter-hardy in USDA Zones 8-10, and it can be grown as an annual in colder climates of USDA Zones 3-7.. Salvia farinacea Rhea - Shoot. East facing. West facing. Plant match details will appear here. Exposure. Sheltered. Plant match details will appear here

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. Rhea is an upright, half-hardy, deciduous perennials, often grown as annuals, with lance-shaped, mid-green leaves, white-hairy beneath, and dense spikes of two-lipped, violet-blue flowers from summer into autumn.. Salvia Farinacea | Salvia Azurea Blue Sage Seeds And Plants. Salvia Farinacea also called "Salvia Azurea", a versatile plant, native sage has had medicinal, ornamental, and culinary uses for generations. The first botanical classification of this family of plants can be found in 19th century British botanist George Benthams influential work Genera Plantarum. The genus name "Salvia" comes from the Latin "salvere" meaning "to heal," referring to the .. Salvia farinacea - Wikimedia Commons. Salvia farinacea. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Mealy Cup Sage (Salvia farinacea Henry Duelberg) in the Salvias .. Salvia farinacea Henry Duelberg is native to the United States. In fact, its native to the State of Texas, as it was discovered in a dusty graveyard halfway between Houston and Austin by Texas conservationist and horticulturist Greg Grant, who took cuttings of the Salvia that covered the gravesite of Henry Duelberg.. PDF Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue - University of Florida. Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue -- Victoria Blue Sage Page 3 October 1999 Use and Management Space plants about 12 inches apart to quickly form a solid mass of purple color. Set a mass planting of Blue Salvia in front of a dark green background of foliage from a dense shrub for maximum effect. Victoria Blue Salvia also looks nice. Sallyfun™ Salvia, Salvia farinacea Sallyfun™ Series, Monrovia Plant. Wonderful for cutting. A frost-tender perennial; treat as an annual where not hardy. Water regularly - weekly, or more often in extreme heat or containers. Moderate growing; reaches 15 to 24 in. tall, 12 to 22 in. wide. For cooler regions, a great addition the "xeriscape" garden in where low-water-use is important.. Salvia - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Salvias will thrive in well-drained soils and are considered relatively drought tolerant. When planting, place transplants 24-36 inches apart for optimum growth. To plant a potted salvia, water your plant before taking it out of the pot. Dig a hole that is two times the width of the pot your plant was in. Backfill the hole and plant your salvia .. Salvia farinacea - Auckland Botanic Gardens. Salvia farinacea. Great for summer bedding displays and mixing in a perennial . Good also for containers. perennial growing up to 0.8m tall and 0.5m wide. stemmed racemes over a long period from late spring through to autumn. narrow and has a hint of gray to it especially on the ondersides of the leaves.. Salvia farinacea Victoria White Victoria White Sage - EDIS. Introduction. This cultivar of blue salvia, native to the southwestern United States, adds a soft white color to any sunny landscape (Figure 1). Plants grow to about 2 feet tall and will spread with a tight head to about two feet. Flower spikes are held well above the dense, grey/green foliage, displaying the striking white color nicely.. Victoria Blue - Salvia Seed | Johnnys Selected Seeds. Victoria Blue Salvia Seed. Dense 5-8", deep-blue spikes bloom summer to frost. A bit shorter, a week later to flower, and a deeper blue than Gruppenblau

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. Uniform plants tolerate heat, humidity, and poor soils. Well-suited for mass plantings

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. Strong, thin stems are harvested fresh or dried when bottom 3-4 flowers open.. Victoria White Salvia (Salvia farinacea Victoria White) in San .. Victoria White Salvia is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. With its upright habit of growth, it is best suited for use as a thriller in the spiller-thriller-filler container combination; plant it near the center of the pot, surrounded by smaller plants and those that .. Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue - White Flower Farm. Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue is a compact, well-branched annual that produces abundant spikes loaded with large blue flowers over a long season. Plant this one en masse to create a feeding station for hummingbirds, or add a few plants here and there at the edge of the border where you can appreciate the long season of color. Pollinators and hummingbirds love the spikes of densely packed .. Salvia | Portland Nursery. Salvia farinacea Strata has silvery grey stems and calyces with a deep blue corolla in the center. Showy! Salvia splendens. Hot, hot, hot! This diverse species comes in an array of colors; red, purple, pink, salmon, white, and bicolor. In general plants grow to be 12"-18" tall by 12" wide but there is a wide range depending on hybrid.. Sallyfun Blue Emotion Salvia (Salvia farinacea Sallyfun Blue Emotion .. Sallyfun Blue Emotion Salvia is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. With its upright habit of growth, it is best suited for use as a thriller in the spiller-thriller-filler container combination; plant it near the center of the pot, surrounded by smaller plants and those .. Salvia Seeds - Grow Salvia from Seed - Harris Seeds. Salvia. View Quick Facts Chart. Germination: DO NOT cover seed; 70-77°F; 7-14 days. Sizes: Packs; Premium Packs; 4-6" pots. Approximate Finish:9-14 weeks. Looking to grow salvia? Harris Seeds carries varieties of S. splendens and S. farinacea, the two most commonly grown types of annual salvia..